Saturday, December 5, 2009

What is a way to get ride of warts?

No doctor treatments please just like a old remedy or something! thanksWhat is a way to get ride of warts?
trust me with this i used to have over 50 on each hand... DO NOT burn them, freeze them or put duck tape on them... DUCK TAKE SPREADS THE SEEDS!!!! and yes they have seeds inside them! go to the doctor and ask about beetle juice its a brown liquid that doesnt hurt at all... most new doc. dont know about it cuz its like a really old cure... but if u can find a doc. who knows about it u'll be saved for the rest of ur life. burning and freezing WILL NOT get rid of them for ever and it hurts more then u can imagine.What is a way to get ride of warts?
Go to the store and buy some wart remover.
Honestly, anything that freezes the wart will usually remove it. Like Freezeone etc. over the counter.
First it depends on where the wart is. There are different types of warts. Plantars wart %26amp; warts on the hands you could use compound W but genital warts you should go to the doctor.
they usually just go away on their own, but you can speed it up by putting a piece of regular old duct tape on it ( the silver stuff). just keep putting it on every day till the wart goes away.
put a snail on it for a hour and it sucks it away.

seriously try it.

my friend did it.
Go to the drug store and buy some Compound W !! Take some Vaseline and a Q-Tip and rub some around the outside of the wart than put a drop of the Compound W directly on the wart !! Put a band aid on it !! Keep doing this everyday and the core of the wart will die and you will be wart free !!The Vaseline helps to stop the Compound W from eating away at your healthy skin !! It doesn't hurt !! Try it!!
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