Friday, December 11, 2009

If you have tried everything to get lice out of you childs hair what else is good to get ride of it.?

tea tree oil works. Just sprinkle it on.

Mayonase works, just leave it over night.

Or you can go to your dr and get ovide

Nix cream helps too.

But the best thing to do is comb all the nits out becasue they'll hatch and you'll have to clean and treat all over again.

Make sure you do it every 7-10 days until they're all gone.If you have tried everything to get lice out of you childs hair what else is good to get ride of it.?
Day One

Not all of the following steps are always necessary for an individual child. If the lice are caught early, a single application of Nix may kill all of the lice and nits (ah, the good old days...). For stubborn cases, especially during school-wide outbreaks, following all of the steps can actually save a lot of hassle and repeated exposure to pesticides!

Begin by treating the head of anyone who has lice with an over-the-counter lice preparation, such as Nix. Many schools now recommend leaving Nix on for 30 minutes -- this is longer than recommended by the manufacturers. Leaving the product on longer than recommended may work better, and may be safe, but has not yet been proven to be more effective. Using stronger medications (such as Elimite) only set up a pattern of using more and more powerful pesticides as the lice develop ever-increasing resistance. This pattern has a definite negative long-term impact on the environment. It also exposes children to greater and greater levels of toxins.

Carefully comb through the hair using a nit comb. I don't recommend using the combs that come packaged with lice shampoos. Instead, use a new product, called the LiceMeister. Its metal teeth are very close together, catching lice well, but without catching or pulling on hair. Since most children will only sit still for a short time (and since most parents don't want to spend longer than necessary combing through lousy hair), using this comb results in a more thorough delousing than when using the ordinary plastic nit combs.

Recent studies show that while white vinegar does loosen nits from the hair shaft, it also can deactivate pesticides such as Nix. As a result, I no longer recommend using white vinegar in conjunction with these products.

Another no-no with lice medicines is the use of hair dryers, including blow-dryers. Many pesticides work by leaving a residue on the hair that continues to kill lice and nits for several days. The heat from hair dryers may deactivate the chemicals and undo all of your efforts.

Alternative Treatments

Most alternative treatments are untested, but early reports are promising. One method with widespread stories of success is the Vaseline (or mayonnaise) treatment. Cover the infested head liberally in Vaseline. Place a shower cap over the entire head for the night (or an eight-hour period). Then shampoo the Vaseline out of the hair. This treatment is reported to ';smother'; the lice. The downside of this method is that the Vaseline does not shampoo out of the hair easily -- in fact, it usually takes a week or so to get it all out. The upside is that it is not toxic, and from all reports, it seems to work. Washing the hair with dishwashing liquid, which has a degreasing agent in it, may help. I've smothered my own hair in mayonnaise (loved the smell), and it came out easily with Dove Ultra dishwashing liquid.

The Packard Children's Health Services Pediatric Hotline at Stanford is hailing another popular treatment. It uses regular shampoo and three ingredients that can be found at most health-food stores:

Shampoo (use an inexpensive brand such as Prell -- these seem to mix more easily with the oils).

3 tbsp olive oil.

1 tsp tea tree oil.

1 tsp rosemary or eucalyptus oil.

Add the oils to a small amount of shampoo and mix well. Work into hair and leave on for half an hour with a tight-fitting shower cap. This mixture has a strong smell. The fumes may burn the eyes, so don't lean forward. Wash hair two or three times to get the oil out. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

I'm hearing positive reports about this nontoxic treatment, though to my knowledge, no medical studies have been conducted to establish the efficacy or possible side effects of this treatment.

One of our readers suggested using a hot blow-dryer for 15 minutes, morning and evening, in conjunction with thorough nit combing. The heat helps to kill the nits and adult lice, but the combing is essential to the process. This type of treatment should not be combined with the over-the-counter treatment.

As a last resort for extra resistant lice, the Red Book 2000 mentions two prescription medications -- Lindane and Malathion. To me these cures are worse than the disease -- both for those being treated and for the environment. In the May 1999 issue of Infectious Diseases in Children, Septra (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) is mentioned as a possible treatment for lice. The regimen is twice a day for three days with re-treatment after 7 days. There is some controversy as to whether or not it works. According to the article, it works by changing the bacteria in the gut of the louse, preventing the absorbance of vitamins. The lice then produce infertile eggs and die of malabsorption.

The Key to Success

Whatever treatment you choose, removing lice from the environment is critical to breaking the cycle.

Cleaning Method No. 1

After the head is treated, wear a tight-fitting shower cap or bathing cap to prevent re-infestation during the cleaning process.

Every surface in your home and car(s) that has touched a head, or has touched an object that has touched a head, must be deloused! All clothes need to be washed in hot water and dried in a hot drier. Even clean clothes that have been hanging in a closet might need to be washed -- if a person with lice wears a sweater, then takes it off and puts it back in the closet, any piece of fabric that it touches could become a new home for lice!

Wash all bed clothing, including bedspreads, pillows, mattress covers -- anything fabric. Dry-cleaning and ironing with a hot iron also kills lice and nits.

Clothing and bed coverings that cannot be safely washed in hot water can be double bagged in black plastic bags, sealed tightly, and put away for three days. At the end of that time, wash the clothing according to normal washing instructions.

Combs and brushes should be soaked in rubbing alcohol or Lysol for one hour, followed by washing in soapy water.

Thoroughly vacuum all carpets -- even under the beds! Steam cleaning is even better. Using a high-powered vacuum (not a battery-operated hand-held version), thoroughly vacuum all upholstered furniture. Or better yet, have all upholstered furniture professionally cleaned.

Spray and powder forms of lice medicines can be used on carpets, floors, and upholstery. I personally prefer not to use these pesticides unless it is impossible to do a thorough cleaning. If you do need to use one of these products, be sure that your children are not present when you use it, and that you thoroughly air out the space before allowing your children to return.

Before you take that lovely shower cap off, be sure to take off all the clothes you've been wearing during this process. Put on freshly hot-water laundered clothes, and put your work clothes in the wash.

If you do not have access to a washer and dryer in your home, work in teams. Someone who has not been treated yet can put all the loads of laundry into the washers at a public laundry facility. Meanwhile, a second person can be treated, and then go to the laundry and take over. You want to avoid unlaundered clothes if you have been treated (unless you are wearing a shower or bathing cap), and you want to avoid handling clean clothes if you haven't been treated.

Cleaning Method No. 2 -- The Real Alternative

This great suggestion came from my friend Dr. Donnica, formerly of NBC's Later Today show. Instead of cleaning every inch of the house, just lock your house up tight and go on vacation. Get rid of the lice on your heads, and then get out of town. I like this idea. Lice die after 55 hours without a human host. If you can afford to be gone for at least three days, you will return to a lice-free environment.

Returning to School

After everyone in the community has completed Day One treatment, it is safe to return to school. Every child, teacher, and staff member should be inspected for lice prior to re-entry. This will make coming back to school the first day after the big cleanup a real zoo. Consider making it into a party! Have a few parents meet early and inspect each other's heads. Then they can break up into stations in the school parking lot, playground, or some other convenient location that everyone must pass before going into any of the buildings. As each person is inspected, give him or her a sticker -- ';The Great Lice Adventure!';

If a child does not pass, have a plan. Parents cannot be allowed to just drop off their kids on that day. If the child doesn't pass, the parent must have a provision for alternative child-care (this will be a real incentive to comply with the plan). In addition, have prepared instructions to give to any parents who may need to do all that work over again.

Days Two Through 13

Shampoo daily and follow with careful nit-combing. I like using tea tree oil shampoo for this purpose (this is not full-strength tea tree oil, but the shampoo that contains tea tree oil.) Found in health-food stores, this shampoo is reported to prevent re-infestation with lice, but studies have not been done to determine its efficacy.

Day 14

Repeat an application of Nix (or alternative treatment), in order to catch any lice that might have hatched since the first application. Do one last, thorough nit-combing.

Beyond Day 14

Continue scalp inspections until the lice have left the community -- at least for the time being.

As a last resort for extra resistant lice, the Red Book 2000 mentions two prescription medications -- Lindane and Malathion. These should be used judiciously because of the greater potential for side effects and for promoting resistance. In the May 1999 issue of Infectious Diseases in Children, Septra (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) is mentioned as a possible treatment for lice. The regimen is twice a day for three days with re-treatment after 7 days. There is some controversy as to whether or not it works. According to the article, it works by changing the bacteria in the gut of the louse, preventing the absorbance of vitamins. The lice then produce infertile eggs and die of malabsorption.

Going back to school to face another year of lice must be very discouraging. Remember that you are part of a community. Blaming others doesn't help anything; it is important for everyone to work together. By staying positive, the whole process can actually help bring a school together! I know my own children have fond memories of The Great Lice Adventure -- now that it's over!If you have tried everything to get lice out of you childs hair what else is good to get ride of it.?
i had the same problem, we put olive oil in our hair for 2 hours a night for 2 weeks and they were gone
baby oil, put it on for 15 minutes, repeat once in a week. use a fine toogh comb to comb out any nits or bugs.
i went to wal-marts and pharmacy stores and bought that lice shampoo. it works if you do what the box say to do. i dont have any problams with it. but you have to wash it in that lice shampoo and comb the eggs and bugs out. ask the lady or man to help you to find whats good for hair lice. they will help you. good luck. warm weather will triger lice this time of year. i hate it. good luck..............or go on a web site for hair lice.
Are you washing her/his bedding and spraying it with stuff to kill the lice and their eggs? If not, then perhaps that's why you are unable to get rid of them! You need to spray everything your child comes in contact with such as furniture,beds,sheets,pillows, etc! Also make sure the comb you are using is disinfected after every use!

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