Sunday, December 13, 2009

How do u get ride of a sore throat?

thx!How do u get ride of a sore throat?
You can't ride a sore throat.

If you want to get rid of a sore throat, you need time. Your body will eventually get over it....How do u get ride of a sore throat?
take one cup of warm water and a teaspoon of Cayenne pepper and gargle. The Cayenne kills bacteria and cleans throat. Also, drink some warm ginger ale or put ginger in your tea.
la guillotine!
Chop up fresh garlic cloves and gulp it down (no chewing, it burns too much) with 100% apple juice. Also, taking ceyenne pills will help as well. Take Echinacea and vitamin C as well. Eat plenty of plain yogurt with fruit, as the yogurt contains good bacteria. Health food stores may carry something called probiotics and these are in concentrated form and usually need to be refrigerated and these are better than yogurt, but they can get expensive. Hope you feel better!
medicine and lots of kissing
drink a warm lemon and honey drink
ride it to the wind
try cruching an aspirin in a glass of warm water then gargle it. It should ease th epain some and you need not worry if you swallow some since it won't do any harm. If the sore throat persists for more than a day or two, see a doctor though since it may be a bit more serious.
Eat some real crunchy toast to scrape the crap off your throat, suck on a lemon (makes you produce more saliva)
It depends on the cause.... if its bacterial you might need antibiotics. Gargle with warm salty water several times each day. You can also buy antibacterial lozenges that you can suck on. If the sore throat doesn't go away within a week or gets worse, see your doc

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