Sunday, December 13, 2009

How can we get ride of Darthritus he is just such an ignorant, homophobic person. Who agrees with me?

The best way to handle someone who is being inappropriate is just to politely argue your point without lashing out, getting angry, or saying mean things back. Calling someone who is looking for negative attention a *****, asshole, or other derogatory statements will be just what the person wants. Show him that we aren't on this site to bash people and we all need to stick together because, if you haven't noticed, the world is not at peace right now. Spreading intolerance isn't going to help, two wrongs don't make a right, and what not. Plus, someone who is gay-bashing just to make people upset probably just needs a hug and a little reassurance that positive attention is much more rewarding than negative.How can we get ride of Darthritus he is just such an ignorant, homophobic person. Who agrees with me?
Ignore him and he will go away.How can we get ride of Darthritus he is just such an ignorant, homophobic person. Who agrees with me?
He's just trying to get a rise out of people. Its no fun for him if you don't react.
Dear Lorenzo,

The best way to extinguish undesirable to ignore it. If he isn't getting any attention from you, and hopefully others, chances are he will take his foul self elsewhere. People like that want to spread hate to everyone.
Allowing even moronic comments is the price of freedom of speech. Try to maintain dignity and rise above it as best you can, try to keep a sense of humor, have pleasant dreams about firebombs. Know that karma works and someday, there will be a comeuppance... now imagine up where... with red hot pokers.
I say we just answer in a humorous way,only even more so than him(See my answer on Gay men/poo/what's the deal?)

He only proves the case for sexual civil tolerance.

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