Saturday, December 5, 2009

How do u get ride of a spider bit> how do u know if its serious?

You will usually know within 24 hours after the bite if it is serious. Most serious bites start with the tissue aroud the bite turning a dark color. Usually within 24 hours a nasty looking hole begins to appear. Unless you are allergic to the bite which you will know pretty quick.How do u get ride of a spider bit%26gt; how do u know if its serious?
I have used pipmle cream to dry up a spider/ insect bite. Try Clean %26amp; Clear Persagel.How do u get ride of a spider bit%26gt; how do u know if its serious?
Many spider bites are slow to heal. If you live in a place where poisonous spiders are common it might be worth a trip to the doctor to have it looked at. If the wound is increasing in size you must go to the doctor immediately
it's really hardto ride spider bites cause they're so small. if you want to get rid of one, you just have to wait for it to heal. it's serious if the skin starts to turn colors or if it hurts real bad, if you're not sure, go to the doctor. there are some spiders whose bites can make you really sick.

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