Saturday, December 5, 2009

How do i get ride of dark under arms????

during my pregnancy my arms started to get dark and darker after i had my little girl it sarted to go away but not completly what can i do to get them back normal????How do i get ride of dark under arms????
They will go back to normal... it's hard to say when because it's all hormonal. Also, do youself a favor and have your blood sugars checked. Not trying to worry you... it's probably nothing, but darkened patches of skin in the creases of you body can signal high blood sugar. But, yours is most likely simply a result of your pregnancy... but it doesn't hurt to be sure!How do i get ride of dark under arms????
Boric acid mixed with lemon juice..Works great!!
use cocoa butter and vitamin e oil goog goog good b/c my neck was black like crazy! but it will eventually fade
I'd recommend going to see your doctor about it.
well u go through a lot of changes during pregnancy.. after shaving ur underarms apply some moisturizing cream ur problem may be because of lack of moisture.. apply it regularly.. and im sure ur problem will be solved....
soap and water

shaving cream and a razor

It sounds a bit like a yeast infection. Try this. Apply some dandruff shampoo to the dark area 5 to 10 minutes before showering or bathing. Then wash it off in the bath. Dy the area well and use an anti-perspirant. If this seems to help afte a week or so, you need to have you blood glucose levels checked, as yeast infections of the skin are a common symptom of a pre-diabetic or early dibetic condition.

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